I guess this will be what you may say... well, I'm sorry.
Things in the home front sort of took a turn in the wrong angle so I had many things on my mind and blogging had to take the backstage for awhile.
Let's start with where I stopped...
Thursday, 22 May 2008
There was Meet The Parents session at Ash's school and it was scheduled in the early part of the morning.
According to Ash's teacher, Ash is rather intelligent and also an independent learner BUT...
Yes... there is a BUT...
She lacks focus during lesson and does not complete her seat work on time.
As for her Chinese teacher, Ash's ability in the language is weak (which I am not surprised... so this holiday break, I have to come up with a learning programme for her Chinese.)
After the session, it is round the island travel to get work done... mine and Superpig's old job.
By the time I reached home, my legs were screaming for help and my body simply refused to move anymore.
That was not all, I ended the night with a session of Math tuition for my neighbour.
Friday, 23 May 2008
The school term had ended and Ash was home.
The phone rang in the morning and woke me up with a rather bad start for the day.
With that phone call the rest of the day went from bad to worse to utra lousy.
I will not go into details except that I vowed to stop crafting and baking, plus I attempted to throw everything related to that out.
It was a bad day... very bad day...
There was shouting in the phone, throwing, crying, hiding in the bathroom to cry more, scolding,
screaming, more crying, packing, apologies, hugs and a cup of Milo (my favourite drink) to curb my empty stomach before we retire for the night.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
It was Ash's extra-curriculum day... busy busy busy...
Sunday, 25 May 2008
Woke up early to go visit a violin class which Ash will be attending next week.
Yes... Ash have been asking for violin class since two years ago but we decided that she should concentrate on her piano.
We were hoping that it was a passing fad and will soon be forgotten but it did not go away.
She insisted that she still wants to learn violin eventhough it meant that she will have less time for play.
She visited the violin class and she still adamantly said that she wants to learn violin.
Oh... the instructor conducts the lesson in Mandarin... Yipppeee... that means she will have more exposure to the language.
Then, there was church and swimming and supermarket shopping ... blah blah blah...
One more thing... I will no longer have the luxury to work from home once the next school term starts in end June. I will have to be physically in the school and take up some subjects to teach. I am totally not prepared for it and that was why on Friday things just got so messed up. And, I am already missing my little baby now and missing the time that I can get to spend with her alone. I miss the time I may have to spend with Ash too.
Guess God have another plan for me and I jolly well learn to cope with that new plan.
I pray that I will be able to better manage my time then and spend it wisely with my two princesses.. oh, I am missing them so.
And... you know, I do not like to put up a post filled with text. So enjoy the photographs that I took over the last few days.
A full moon
And a sleeping baby... how I will miss having her sleep in my arms as I work at my laptop.
I am so sorry to hear, that your situation is changing to something you don't feel good about. I'm going through it with my little ones right now.... And as you said in your post, God has a plan, and we need to trust in Him... -it's still hard, though! My little Ask, is getting along great now, and he has new little friends. I pray you and your family will be happy :-)
It is very hard to change like this. I know when I went back to work how sad I was missing time with my children. I still havent adjusted but sometimes things happen for a reason. Hope you can get some joy from you new situation. Take care and will pop back to see how you are doing.
Thanks ladies.
It takes awhile and a calm mind to think through what happened and how I should handle the future. After that weekend, I am determined not to be beaten by this change but instead will learn to make full use of my time. God has plan and His plan may be not what I want but I know it is definitely better than my own plan.
Thank you again for dropping by ever so often, I really am glad to have known wonderful people out there. I will continue to blog and craft too (I realised that I cannot live without it and my husband knows too).
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