
Monday, February 21, 2011

Have you read

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother?

I have not but it seemed to have caused a great uproar out there. Have caught a glimpse of the excerpt and had read a few of the comments about Amy Chua's parenting style.

From what I gathered, I may be very much like her. Unfortunately, my way of parenting is like this because I am not allowed to fail (up to this date and this age). If you had read my previous posts about my struggles, you will know that I have a very difficult mother to please. Plus, she imposes such stuffs on my children while praising her other grandchildren. People in our household are put down by her and compared to others. It is sad.

I am trying to strike a balance in my parenting style. My children needs to be pushed to their potential because like their father, they are very laid back.

I must get the book and read it to find out more about this tiger mother.

Edited to add: I have made a reservation with our community library for the book. It is really an hot item. All books are out on loan or reserved. It will take about 3 weeks before I get my chance. Well, spending $1.55 for reservation fee is better than spending much more to buy the book and then to leave on the shelf.

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