
Friday, June 08, 2007

Holiday programme

Ash has started her school holiday since last week. We have four weeks to get into each other's nerves around the house. I planned a few activities that she could do during these four weeks to entertain herself.

In the first week, I bought some buttons so that she could make two buttons frames for her friends. She enjoyed that activity and I should say that the photo frames did turned out quite well.

Then for this week, we signed her up for cartoon sketching classes at the nearby community club. The course runs for 4 days. So in the mornings, Supering would send us to the community club before heading to work. Once Ash is safely in the class, I would head to Compass Point on the other side of the road with Aver. It was fun seeing Aver sitting in her pram and then without me noticing, she fell asleep.

Once at Compass Point, I would head for Burger King or MacDonald's for a drink and fries. Will sit there for almost an hour reading my book (will talk about this book later). Then once the time is up, I would head back across the road to pick Ash up for lunch then we head home. It was fun but also tiring. By Tuesday night, I was all worn out and ended up sleeping on the sofa while watching DVD with Superpig. By Wednesday, I was totally beaten. And on Thursday, I was all ready to salute those mums who sent their children to all the enrichment classes one after another.

As for Ash, she totally enjoyed the lessons. So I am also very pleased even though it tired me out. From another mum, I found out that there is usually this class during the holidays. So I would like to enrol her the next time.

Then today, was cupcakes day! I thought it would be a good challenge to bake some cupcakes and decorate it (which seems to be the in thing now). So after breakfast, off we went to the supermarket to buy all the necessary things. Late in the afternoon we started to work on the cupcakes.

The cupcakes looks okay but the icing melted too easily. I found out that the amount of butter played a part in how the icing turned out. So will go find out more and try the next time again.

While out buying the ingredients for the cupcakes, I was thinking how should I surprise Superpig. He already expected the cupcakes as his Father's Day gift. However, there is no fun with just that. So we went to buy the new Transformer Toy - Optimus ...something. It was on sale and I used the vouchers that I redeemed the other time so the whole thing was about 50% off the original price.

Superpig was sure surprised with the gift! Should see how happy he was with his toy. I was glad that I made that effort. Oh, it was also his birthday gift too.

Okay, now I move on to the book that I mentioned earlier. I decided that I want to try to read Chinese novel to relive those days that in secondary school whereby I did read those Taiwanese novels to improve my Chinese. So I borrowed one from the library, a story adapted from a Japanese drama. I am surprised that I understood almost 70% of what had been read and actually quite enjoyed it.

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